bursa copulatrix造句
- Sperm duct and also spermathecal duct emerges from mid-ventral part of the bursa copulatrix.
- The vagina is connected to the bursa copulatrix and to the spermatheca ( for storing sperm ).
- Reproductive system : the bursa copulatrix is partly surrounded by albumen gland ( posterior pallial oviduct ).
- The spermathecal duct ( bursa copulatrix duct ) is a sac for storing spermatozoa and also enters the atrium.
- Together with the bursa tract and bursa copulatrix these form the spermatophore-receiving organ, which digest sperm and spermatophores.
- At the distal end of the cavity a long, narrowly coiled bursa stalk branches off leading to the large bursa copulatrix.
- It differs from " Marstonia ogmorhaphe " by its smaller size, broader shell, smaller prostate gland, straight anterior vas deferens, and smaller bursa copulatrix.
- In some orders of insects, the male genitalia ( paramere ) enters the female's genital tract, and a spine at its tip pierces the wall of the female's bursa copulatrix.
- The bursa copulatrix is long and slim, with the forward third particularly narrow; its wall is covered with many short spines, and the hind end almost seamlessly merges into a short and barely distinguishable ductus bursae.
- It can be distinguished from " Marstonia gaddisorum " by its less convex shell whorls, distinctive pallial roof pigmentation, larger number of cusps on the inner side of the lateral teeth and on the outer marginal teeth, larger penial lobe, narrower terminal gland, and smaller overlap of the bursa copulatrix by the albumen gland.
- It's difficult to see bursa copulatrix in a sentence. 用bursa copulatrix造句挺难的
- Diagnostic features are : uniformity, rather than asymmetry, of the rings of the ocelli; an undivided, dorsally domed uncus in the male genitalia; a short broad aedeagus with two apical fields of scobination, and a densely and robustly scobinate apex to the conical vesica; strong pouches lateral to the ostium in the female genitalia; a signum consisting of a single spine in the bursa copulatrix.
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